Day 1: Feb. 18, 2022. I found a crochet stitch that I liked to knit a blouse, this stitch reminds me of a plant that I love called Cherry Tree of Japanese origin, so that's why I named this Cherry Blouse design.
At this moment I have already made the stitch sample and calculated how many stitches I have to make as a base to start my garment and I am already 2 and a half laps. I'll tell you that I'm going to be measuring the time it takes me to make the garment with an app called Forest, I won't go into much detail about this app but in short it's great because it's super interactive and has a positive impact on the environment, gossip what is it about that is great.
oops! To unknit, despite having done the previous calculations, when I reached round number 5 I measured the knit at the height of the bust and it stretched so let's unknit! I have to reduce the number of basis points to make it fit just right. Mental note: my measurement at the height of the bust is 85cm, but I had to calculate the base chain to knit my blouse for 74cm, that is, 11cm less than my real measurement!
It should be noted that I am knitting with a thread that is for a crochet hook number 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 and I am using a needle number 5 1/2, this is because I want the stitch to be very loose because I like it. how is it! So another mental note: see how much the stitch stretches in the sample to take it into account when we start to knit the real garment! Ideal sample 10cm x 10cm. In any case, I also test the fabric as I did after having knitted a few rows, to see that everything goes according to plan.
Hours knitted today: 1h 5min
Day 2: Feb. 20,2022 I continue knitting from row 7, I've already measured what I've knitted so far and it's just my size, so we're doing well! Arriving at the armhole I divide the fabric to make the neckline and the armhole. It's time to decrease so I try how to decrease with the stitch I'm using so that the neckline, armhole and back are the way I want. I unknitted a couple of times until I understood how to make the decreases in the correct amount.
Get the desired shape so continue to finish back and front, you will have the same amount of decreases.
I finished! Now to give the details to the straps, the idea is to continue with the same crochet needle and make some edges to the straps to form a small ruffle on each side of each strap. Let's see how it turns out!
Mmm, to unweave again! The ruffle did not form so we are going to try adding more points..
Well, I've managed to make the ruffle look the way I want, only now I'm going to make it more openwork, to unweave it again!
Accomplished! To repeat for the other strap.
Today's working time: 3h 30 min
Day 3: Feb. 21, 2022 I finish knitting the straps and hide the threads.
Working time today: 1h 30 min

Conclusion: This was a design within everything simple to do, and fast! I only take 6 hours to make and barely 120 gr of yarn. It is beautiful and the expected result after several attempts. So happy!
Soon I will upload the pattern so you can knit it!